King’s College, 21st Century Engineering

Following our initial work with King’s for the development of the original Strand Campus, we were commissioned to progress a scheme for the refurbishment of the Quadrangle Building to provide a new engineering department.
The project involves the design of a new public space upon the Quadrangle surface, and the insertion of a number of new built elements into the lightwells adjacent to the Grade 1 Listed King’s Building, and a new accommodation stair and lift block within the Quadrangle Building footprint, which manifests as an Oculus in the Quad surface, drawing light into the centre of the plan. The new department occupies space between the surface of The Quadrangle at the level of The Strand, and the Embankment two storeys below. Maker Spaces, fabrication Labs and Workshops occupy the new spaces in the lightwells between the Quadrangle Building and the King’s Building. The New Department is connected to the wider campus of King’s in a number of ways, including a new linking space through an existing series of vaults below the central entrance portico providing a learning commons area connecting the Quadrangle to the main King’s Building corridor at basement level.
Hall McKnight were retained by King’s College London to provide full architectural services for the Quad Project through RIBA Stages 0–7 with the exception of Shell and Core Contract Executive Architect Services provided by Rock Townsend Architects for Farrans Construction Limited.
Hall McKnight were also employed by Overbury as executive architects for the fit–out contract.
The project was completed in early October 2022.
Photography Copyright:
Johan Dehlin – listing image & images 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Sam Phillips – images 5, 7, 10